molly says hi!

monday, apr 10, 3:34 pm

hello all. greetings!1!1. i am coming at u with many updates and things that are happening! tonight i will be filmin a short film that im gna post on my insta (maybe?), its for a showcase at skewl so thats pretty dope. i am excited to edit it since i haven't edited videos in quite a while. other than that AVERY IS COMING! tmr night and i cant wait to hangout. all my hw will be done, manifesting, and mayb we can play wii games? hoping, yearning. i have been hanging with russell and its been so lovely. life is good! spring is springing! i am sprung. thank u for reading. i am sorry ive neglected you all. tsk tsk.

saturday, mar 25, 5:14 pm

in the process of dying my hair RED!!!!!!!!!!! ive never had bright red hair and my ass cant wait. i really hope it turns out hot bc i need that rn. overall w week. excited for the next few. gna slay at school on monday prolly. hoping. yearning even. i have neglected this site in exchange for other projects as well as doing absoluetly NOTHING! and it feels really nice. i will attempt to update frequently. i will attempt.

tuesday, mar 21, 11:47 am


saturday, mar 18, 10:44 am

holy balls its been a busy week in door county and my ass has loved every second!11! i thought it was going to be sadder moving out of my childhood home or whatever but i feel i am taking the change surprisingly well. i have gotten to stay in my moms nice rental condo and its SO SO SO SO NICE! i am refreshed tbh. i got to hangout with avery cam dakota and dia so that was AWESOME! love those guys. got my nails done and showed russ(MY BF!) around doco so that was sweet too. very giddy silly feelings all around! i cannot wait to get back into madison and see what the stem center folks have been up to, espically since i was mia the week before this one. i think its funny that they all have no idea how i just spawned in. fully random hired girl. so funny. every day with snow reminds me of how much i miss summer and any season with no snow. hopefully that ish gna melt soon. i love what a week in slightly better living conditions and no responsibilities does to my mental health. huge w its time to thaw out folks. cya!!

friday, mar 11, 1:42 am

what would abstinence do to my body? would i be able to know myself better? will i be able to determine what i really want? i am reeling, festering i dont know whatever you fools want to describe my lack of play describe it as that. its not even that severe. not even a big deal at all. i am the freak in this situation. i am the one who needs to be on medicaiton. the more and more i allow myself to look inward the more fucked up i become. maybe it is time to change my tune. be normal. ughghghg. i am upset. but i think it will be better after real interaction with real people. yearning to be 6 feet under frozen snow. cya

wednesday, mar 8, 9:08 am

hi! its been a little bit! i did indeed get fucked up, had a lovely night. i caught a freaking cold, and so im just, coping around. took a sick day from school yesterday and today. i am playing fortnite all day. i am now questioning why any affection a man gives me makes me want to date him. why the freak am i like that? i think its the daddy issues shining through. but its ok, im coping. i would like to have this sorted out in the near future. i am also moving back in with my mom in an effort to save money! i have my own place till august but after that i get to be with her, freddie cat and maisy dog. i am excited to be honest. basement dweller moment. i am very excited to be done with the theater thing i am doing, i have been feeling quite burnt out, which makes me not want to do anything resulting in gross living conditions(i haven't done my dishes in five days). i will fix it eventually, so that comforts me a tad bit. im mostly excited for spring break bc my ass is visiting the freaking boys! it will be so fun. very pumped. alright, time to take a shitload of cough medicine and fuck off. cyaa!

friday, mar 3, 1:39 pm

GUYS! i am getting fucked up tonight and I CANNOT WAIT! it is the prommy event and a DRAG SHOW RAAA! i cannot wait i cannot wait. crossed, medicated i dont care i will be fucekd. i need it too. bruh. i ususally am not liked this but i am just excited to dance and be crazy and have funr araraaa! idk what im wearing yet but maybe ill include what i do end up wearing in the next post. we shall see sheeple. my my my my my. silly past few days. do yall date for marriage? is that a thing i should be worrying about at age 19? i do not think so but, maybe i should be? idk, i just want to have fun, and a more serious commitment to me would be ideal. i want a bestie that i can shlang with. opinions? idk why im asking u freaks, i know what i want, i think i just want that sweet sweet validation. thinking thoughts. ALERT! a man i dislike just arrived at the stem center and i am speaking to him. fuck

thursday, mar 2, 11:07 am

ohhh my goddd no wayayyaaaa! hello sheeples! the past few days have been eventful to say the least. avery and i are ALMOST caught up on the last of us, i hung out with russ (hi :3) and he lost my favorite mitten glove and i am pissed, not at him, but at the world. i feel i am constantly in a state of whiplash and chaos and i can barely think straight. oddly enough, the car accident has made me feel better about independence. mrararara my brain juices have been swished around. therefore i am built different. some family matters have been sorted out and this is a good development for my quality of life. i vow to continue to slay and serve massive amounts of cyunt for the rest of the week, mainly bc tmr is uw pride prom and its gothic theme? built for my queer ass. cya

monday feb 27, 3:46 pm

hello again. just need to share some thoughts. why does matty healy give off so much slut energy? he is just a man, so why does he seem to have everyone under this trance. like, he is hardwired to fuck. his music makes me go fucking feral. what the fuck is this

monday feb 27, 11:38 am

at home, waiting to be fetched by ronan and escorted to school. i am experiencing some government mandated mind fucking. feeling odd. i started to listen to all these old songs from a very VERY specific time in my life and i am not regretting it, i enjoy the music a lot, it is just reminding me of my immature behavior and i regret my actions. i am hoping i am making the right decisions in the present. i think i am, but you can never be too sure and that is what is bothering me. someone should tell me how to be because sometimes i cannot calm myself down. thankfully this week is going to so whiplash inducing that i wont really have any time to think about any of this. i am excited bc avery is coming to town and we can finally get caught up on the last of us and hangout, and i have this surprisingly intensive theater thing i am involved in. new drag race episode on friday too. waiting period of weirdness. eh, ill grow to like it. i am working on some linocut printy things, prolly gna make a deck of cards for redacted, and i am getting back into animal crossing,,, i am excited for spring break bc i know my ass will be rotting away playing that shit. mmmmm. cant wait for that system reset. raaaaggghh. potentially adding a chatbox to this site and working on a poetry page, we shall see how those endeavors go. marble and i say bye! cya next blog.

friday, feb 24, 2:24 pm

greetings earthlings. i am at work right now. i cant do my lab for env sci because my computer cant run the website. i dont want to do any work work so i am blogging. i am about to go on a date tonight! i am quite nervvy. well, not really but i enjoy the act of overthinking. i romantize well. i have learned that my theater organization might have a little original works show, so i am going to attempt to revise some of my old poetry, or write more, maybe i should write more??? for that. i haven't written much lately, but i really hope i can start to write again. i am realizing that i need to stop worrying so much about mundane things. in the end no one really cares that much so why not just do stuff(WITHIN REASON!1!) and sidebar, after the events of the past two months, i know now that planning means NOTHING. because literally anything can happen. and i hate it. i hate it so much. i want things to go perfectly and sweetly and just like how it goes in my pretty little head. but no. just not possible. thats the beauty of things! if i didn't crash into that public metro bus, would I have held hands with leahcat on the bus last night? NO! NO I WOULDN"T HAVE! UGH! LIFE! GOODBYE!

tuesday, feb 22, 12:47 am

my site is live welcome mwahHHASHAHHAHAH. i just drank a purple monster. i also want to let you all know that i went to the bus stop early today like the responsible respectable adult that i am and i was fully THIRTY minutes early. so i went to a bench and JOURNALED. im so good. i wrote about my relationships(and my lack thereof). and as i am writing this now i might drop some poetry bullshit on this site too, just cuz why not. maybe i can make poetry camp. but also my writing is usually SO self depricating and brainrotty?? so idk if ppl want to read that, or if i want the people to be aware of my various,, things. things are looking up bc i have a snow day tmr. YAY! goodnight

tuesday, feb 21 10:53am

hello people! this is my first EVER blog entry and i am estatic. during the beginning of the year (pre getting dumped, before my world literally just like burned in front of me..anyways sorry for being edgy), i pledged to myself and said i needed to program more! and so this is that. my silly self is enjoy it. since jan 1 i have started new job(W!!!11!), got dumped(ANOTHER W I PROMISE!!), changed majors, met some cool people and i am happy to say that i am starting to get better mentally. maybe all the fumes r starting to go to my head tehehe. i am very exctied for the upcoming months as i continue to explore who the f i am, make connections, disect cishet mens brains, chew on wires and generally go insane. i am in a theater thing that goes until march and that has been fun! i also modded my ds with a friend and saul goodman is the background. ik. outstanding. more to come folks :3
